Saturday, April 24, 2010

Helping in the Vision for Church Planting and Multiplication in Hungary 2010

This photo shows the participants in the seminar organized by Pastor Zolt Budai through Pastor Gabor Rabatin and held at the Logos Bible School in Miskolc, Hungary.

We arrived in Budapest at the request of Hungarian leaders to help in the vision of planting healthy reproducing churches for God's glory.

The first Sunday (April 11th) we had the opportunity to share the Word of God from Acts 11:19-26 and 13:1-3 during the morning service at the Rakoskeresztur Church in the 17th District of Budapest. How good it was to visit this church again. Pastor Rabatin has a wonderful vision for church planting in Hungary and then in other countries with a new church plant in Vecses near the Budapest airport and then in London. He also envisages the planting of new churches in Romania by the training of leaders there.

In the afternoon we had the joy of teaching the Word of God at this new daughter church and then meeting with the leaders afterwards to seek to help them in this pioneer effort. It is so encouraging to see what God is doing to plant new churches by the daughter church method.

On Monday evening we had a training seminar at the Baptist Union Headquarters in Budapest after meeting with some of the key leaders who want to see new churches planted in Hungary.

I was asked to speak on the question of "Structures, Strictures, and Spontaneity in Church Planting" which deals with those things that help or hinder the planting and multiplication of new churches. There was lively interaction as we sought to think through this question.

On Tuesday evening we met with the leaders of the Rakoskeresztur Church where they shared their vision for church planting and multiplication both in Hungary and in other countries. We talked together about church health that makes churches grow.

On Wednesday, April 14th, we traveled to Debrecen with Pastor Sandor Toth and his wife Monika for an afternoon seminar on "Five Leaders Needed for a Growing Church Multiplication Movement" and then an evening seminar on "Seven Principles for the Planting and Multiplication of Churches in a Region" followed by a seminar on "Church Growth Ceilings in Churches." This church has sponsored a church plant in Szeged in the south of Hungary. They also want to see a new church planted in France and we discussed how we might collaborate in this. What a vision this church has and how encouraging it is to see their concern for church planting in Hungary and in other countries.

More in the next blog about our move to Szeged and the rest of the ministry in Hungary. God's grace is so great.

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