Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Contagious Relationships - Bridges of God

Continuing through Steve Addison's recent book movements that change the world (available through Amazon.dot.com), his third quality of a dynamic movemnt is "contagious relationships." Some have called this "bridges of God" --first coined by Dr. Donald McGavran.

Let's talk about these "bridges of God." Understanding this principle should radically change our vision of evangelism and growth in the local church.

In his Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Frederic Godet uses the expression "bridge" in reference to evangelism through social structures:
"In every Gentile city where Paul opens a mission he begins with preaching the gospel to the Jews in the synagogue. There he meets with the proselytes from among the Gentiles, and these form the bridge by which he reaches the purely Gentile population." [italics mine] Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1956), p. 13.

Later, Donald McGavran developed this idea in his book The Bridges of God (New York: Friendship Press, 1955):

"The basic question is this: HOW DO PEOPLE BECOME CHRISTIANS? The
answer is simply, by the "bridges of God." What is a “bridge of God”? This question can be complicated but for the purposes of this blog we will not go into all the pros and cons of people movements but deal with the basic idea. Basically, a "bridge of God" is a contact (people, one person or group) that God gives us in order that we might touch a whole new group of people or a special group of people (family, tribe, ethnic group, nation) in order to win them to Christ.

The general approach in Western evangelism is to see winning people to Christ in as individuals. But But notice the difference when the biblical text speaks of evangelism (as for example as seen in Acts 16:31 and other texts. The Bible sees the individual person in his social context (family, ethnic group, people, etc.). The person who accepts the message of the gospel can become a
marvelous bridge to touch many other people.

So we need to see evangelism in terms of web relationships, Again McGavran states: “But the truth not often seen or stressed is that Christianity, like electricity, flows best where there is a good contact. The power of God acts best within a people." Bridges of God, p. 93. And again "cold sparks with good contacts have, as a matter of historical fact, produced more growth than hot sparks with poor contact." Bridges of God, p. 94.

Rodney Stark in his book The Rise of Christianity (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997) states the same thing: “The basis for successful conversionist movements is growth through social networks, though a structure of direct and intimate interpersonal attachments.” (p. 20)

This explains why even revival within a group may not lead to growth by conversions—if the contact with unsaved people is minimal. This also explains the relationship of the eight essential qualities that have been discovered by research reported in Natural Church Development by Christian Schwarz. Just because groups grow in what he calls “passionate spirituality” does not lead to conversions that cause the church to grow if there is a low quality index in the areas of “need-oriented evangelism,” “holistic small groups” and “loving relationships.”
The question is a key one for effective communication to take place within social structures.

Mark 5:1-18 - what kind of bridge here? John 1:35-46.- what kind of a bridge here?

What are some of the possible "bridges of God" in your target area?

Have you already had a breakthrough in effective evangelism and church growth and multiplication by means of some kind of a "bridge" to reach others?

What can you do to develop "bridges of God"?

1 comment:

  1. The idea of bridges of God is a good one. We have been in Thailand for almost 11 years trying to plant churches. We have mostly found bridges of God through family ties of certain Thai believers.

    We are trying to make some bridges of God at this time through things that Thai people enjoy doing. We use art, music and English to spend time with people who are not believers. But as we have done this and have had some good times of sharing Christ in the context of relationships and in the context of culture, we have not really done “abundant gospel sowing” this way.

    The mind set of Thailand and missions is that people need to build a friendship before they can share Christ. I have found this very discouraging. I have now turned that around. I try and share Christ first and then build a friendship. It might mean that I will not have lots of friends, but the ones that I do have will be a better bridge of God to see Thais come to Christ. I think the important part in this is what one of the books Dr. Bob is reading calls “white hot faith”. Going out to the people with boldness and sharing Christ directly is important. Many people say it is a waist of time here in Thailand and people will not respond. That has not been my experience all the time. Yes, people are not as open and don’t trust you when they don’t know you. But, I have found that God is faithful to lead us to the people he would want us to talk to. How many people in an area are interested? How are we going to find them? I don’t think it will be through activities like music, art and English. They are good and God will use that, but I think we need to really get out and strategically go to one neighborhood after another and boldly share Christ on the streets with people in a loving way. This is hard. It is awkward, but I don’t see how we can get around it. If we are to find the people that God has in mind to be those “people of peace” we need to get out and hit the streets and look for them. I know many of you might think that is not the way to do things. It is Western. But I believe God is faithful and as we share Christ lovingly and carefully with a broken heart for the people we work with, He will open doors and we need that “white hot faith” to go through them. I believe when we are faithful to go out and share Christ “natural churches” will develop through the Holy Spirit. He will give grace to know how to do each step. But, it is very easy to not get out and share Christ. I am guilty of not getting out enough and doing many other “good” things instead. I am praying for God to move and work in all of us who are in church planting to get out and share Christ at least once a week intentionally and with all the people in our circle of influence. I would like to hear more ideas of how we as church planters can do “abundant gospel sowing” effectively.
